
How to keep original file date after download

May 21, 2017 File Date Corrector enables to restore original modification and creation But when and where is a file date set and why will it be changed again? The software File Date Corrector can be downloaded and tested for free. Dec 21, 2011 Bob, thanks for the response on keeping file creation dates when moving them. You need that /DCOPY:T it tells the copy to keep original folder timestamp. http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=15155. 6. Dec 7, 2016 File Date Corrector for Windows enables to correct file dates and restore the original file date "Created" and "Modified" of documents, pictures, audio Download now and test for free https://www.infonautics-software.ch/f. How To Preserve Original File Date "Created" When Copying Files - Duration: 2:58. Jan 20, 2017 The software tool Directory List & Print Pro enables you to easily copy files without changing the original creation date of your files. For futher  RoboCopy can preserve the mtime for directories with the /DCOPY:T switch, but this only works in The date/time attributes are the same as the original files. Beware, though, it can produce corrupted files with source files downloaded using  I thought Windows preserved this data when copying? Also the date only changes when files are copied to another drive, it does not occur when files are copied to the same https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=15155 I used robocopy SOURCE TARGET /copyall /dcopy:t /e. Like  Jan 24, 2018 Box's FTP option now supports the ability to preserve files' original created and modified date/timestamps during Caveat: Most FTP clients support the ability to send a file's original Uploads and Downloads I also managed, that the "content_modified_at" property is set to the date when the original file 

To preserve the modified date of a file, upload or download the file using the When you take certain actions on a folder in the Dropbox desktop app, the 

May 28, 2018 When Rehana edits and saves a Word document, the "Last Modified" date the "Late Modified" and other property dates to remain correct when she the action, instead of carrying over the Created date from the original file. Oct 1, 2017 SafeCopy Free - utility to copy files and keep date/time stamps and attributes. Source path - specifies the path to folder or file to copy. and files. The behavior of Windows Explorer when copy/move files or folders depends on the version of Windows in use. Download the product SafeCopy Free! v.2.6.1. Mar 31, 2017 Try DVDFab and download streaming video, copy, convert or make Does anybody know how to get the original creation date of these videos? This would be independent of the file creation date as displayed by the OS. You can also silence the errors but get them in the summary window after. This causes many problems when trying to search files from a specif date. This should be so simple and basic to keep the metadata regarding last modified date. the original dates, once the OneDrive app sync the files the dates are to one's machine (either from a browser using Download Folders) or  This causes many problems when trying to search files from a specif date. This should be so simple and basic to keep the metadata regarding last modified date. the original dates, once the OneDrive app sync the files the dates are to one's machine (either from a browser using Download Folders) or 

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BulkFileChanger is a replacement for the old FileDate Changer utility. This feature works only when the date/time values already exist inside the .jpg 'Change Time / Attributes' window: Added 'Save Settings' button, for saving This means that the created/modified time difference represents the duration of downloading  To preserve the modified date of a file, upload or download the file using the When you take certain actions on a folder in the Dropbox desktop app, the 

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